Manufactures Represented

stocked in
salt lake city

Drill bits and abrasives

All thread rod and construction fasteners

Cable ties, mounts, tools, and related accessories

High-quality access doors, roof hatches, floor hatches, and mailboxes with standard and custom options

Channel strut, Strut fittings, Hangers, and Roof blocksĀ 

Rivets, Rivetnuts and Rivet Tools

Construction fasteners, screws, nails, washers, bits, threaded rods, and acoustical hanger wire for various applications

Mechanical Anchoring

Wire rope, cable, and rigging hardware

Hooks and chokers, links, rings, blocks, and swivels

Chain, cargo control, tools, and slings

Cordage, twine, and pulling line

Packaging, tarps, straps, and visqueen

Absorbent and sweeping compounds

Ice melt and bottled water

Beam clamps and hangers

Shipped from manufacturer

Cleaning chemicals, tools, gloves, odor control solutions, and safety equipment

Welding and abrasive products, including filler metals, electrodes, solders, fluxes, chemical aids, welding tools, and safety equipment

Cutting, Welding, and Positioning Equipment